My weekend began Friday afternoon, dropping Bug off at church for confirmation camp. We were excited and sure she'd have a blast. Friday evening, Hubby arrived home from his week long TDY. Saturday was just a lazy day. We watched movies and played with Baby Pie. I even was given the most awesome gift of a 3 hour nap!
Sunday was different. Hubby had virtually no internet access where he was on the TDY so needed to go into work to clear email and get things taken care of. I took Baby Pie to our church for Sunday School, because I was the substitute teacher. Then she and I went to the Baptist church where our MOPS meetings are held. Baby Pie got to spend some time playing in the nursery and I was able to sit with a friend and fully immerse myself in worship. It was a most welcome experience.
Later Sunday afternoon we picked up Bug, sure we'd hear lots of stories of the fun adventures she had. But she was very quiet. We were a few minutes late and figured she was upset with us. After a few more questions got monosyllable answers we dropped asking for a while.
We found a local walking trail, that I'm looking forward to using. We walked about half of it and Bug began to open up about her camp experience. It was definitely not the fun bonding with her confirmand cohorts that it was supposed to be. She related stories of being picked on and bullied by a pair of boys that she's in Sunday School with. They didn't respect her personal space or belongings. They made fun of the little viral bumps that she has on her neck. They used her duffel bag on rollers as a toy and refused to stop giving each other rides until an adult asked them several times. They also managed to find a bag of condoms by a trash can behind a building...(this is a church camp) and showed them to the girls. Apparently one was tangerine flavored. Bug is only ten years old. She just had sex ed in school that covered anatomy and physiology of the menstrual cycle, pads and tampons. I am angered and saddened that at the age of ten I had to explain to her what a condom was, what it was used for and why there are flavored ones. I am more angry that this happened because she was at church camp. I would have fully figured something like that would have happened at school or on the school bus. Silly me. Anyway, we let the conversation drift and ended up having a decent afternoon.
Looking at Buttermilk Falls |
Hubby and Bug at the top of the falls. |
We found another state park, then visited Buttermilk Falls. I really enjoyed the hike into the falls area. It wasn't far or very steep. Baby Pie had an awesome time collecting sticks. Hubby and Bug walked around to the other side of the falls to see them more closely.
Baby Pie collecting sticks. |
I thoroughly enjoyed the drive around and through the Laurel Highlands. I love to drive. I have often thought that a career as a semi-truck driver would have been very appropriate for me.
My sweet girls! |
It wasn't until Sunday evening and all day today that I really began to digest what Bug told us, how I feel about it and what needs to be done. We've called the pastor and Hubby will be speaking with her tomorrow. She needs to be made aware of the condom incident, but moreover, she needs to know about the boys. I just don't know if I'm comfortable with Bug being in class with them every Sunday. I sure don't want Sunday School and going to worship to become a dreaded experience for her.
As I'm thinking along those lines, the churches here do a lot together with their youth, so even if we went to a different church in our denomination, she'd still be running into these boys at different events.
We are probably only going to be here for another year. Should we stick it out at this church? Should we find another in the same denomination? (I think that would be kind of pointless) Should we switch denominations all together? What message would that send to Bug? I realize that I cannot shield her from bullying at school, but church is entirely a different matter. If we went to another church, would it be better for the whole family?
Needing wisdom and discernment. I've been thinking and praying all day.