Saturday, we went to Brookville to deliver computers to a unit there from Hubby's unit. I got to eat lunch with an "old" friend - we haven't seen each other in 20 years - and we spent a few hours chatting and watching my girls playing and her sons (teenagers) awkwardly watching them. After we parted ways, Hubby and the girls let me go to the local quilt shop, where I spent an hour or more drooling over all kinds of fabric, and dreaming of projects that I could do.
Yesterday the weather man was calling for only a 20% chance of rain for today.
Today we were planning to go to the Pittsburgh Zoo, however, it rained and rained and rained. We didn't give up though. While we were driving there and the sprinkles turned to drizzle and then to rain, we decided to either go to the Carnegie Science Museum or the Pittsburgh Children's Museum. The Children's Museum won out. We figured that it was designed better for Baby Pie. I had a great time watching both my girls explore and play. Both Hubby and I were able to explore and play with them.
I am truly blessed. After needing help to have Bug and being told that we wouldn't be able to get pregnant again, then having Baby Pie, the wonder and perfect timing of God's plans truly amaze me.
I'll add photos later, if I remember to at all.
I remembered to add the pictures!
yay for your blessed mothers day!